❤The Diary-Keeper❤

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I am discovering better who I am and am working through odds and ends and whales and minnows. I am going somewhere always. When I am standing still and when I am walking-- I am moving, moving, moving.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

There's a tangled thread inside my head...

My mind is crowded my hands are withered from washing with soap, with soap, with soap, and cold water.

A too-tight-waist; a cat with too-high-taste; a clock with too-fast-pace; shock at a too-tired-face.

I'm talking to things that tic and toc. I'm reading words but can't get them and cannot grock.

Itchy noses don't hold a candle to the depth and romantic glory of my spinning marbles. When will it stop? round-and-round it goes! Who knows. It's all a little convoluted to say the most and really that's all I can say about it.

I'll probably head to school. I'll probably pass out on the pavement and make a pretty bloody mess of my pretty bloody (swear word) head. So, even if my eyelids are begging begging to drop and stay there, I can ignore them long enough to get recognition of my messed-up situation through tragic accident. Won't I be pleased when those three will pay attention to my anxiety?